Renal and Cardiovascular Biology
Published: 13/11/2018 - 15:44
Last modification: 13/11/2018 - 15:45
This research area comprises projects aimed to understand several aspects of the biology of cardiovascular and renal systems. The main topics are: (i) the role of cardiac and renal renin-angiotensin systems in different physiopathologies like gestational diabetes and stress; (ii) mechanisms associated with the therapeutic benefits after utilization of mesenchymal stem cells in experimental models of myocardial stroke; (iii) mechanisms associated with vasodilation induced by phenyletilaminic compounds.
Celina Monteiro da Cruz Lotufo
Luiz Borges Bispo da Silva
Ana Paula Coelho Balbi
Research Groups:
General and Natural Products Pharmacology
Research Projects:
Analysis of renal effects of diabetes mellitus on Wistar rats on the postpartum period.